Monday, September 17, 2007

IO in inglese :D

Been born to Barga in province of laughing Lucca in but perhaps a po dispersed garfagnana the young person Daniel tenka bears have seen its first dawn to the ineterno of this paese.Successivamente e' transferred in the apartment of S.Anna always in province of lucca.Iniziai attending the asylum of via Matteotti but the decadent mind of the tenka was noticed gia that while the others played with the pupazzetti or the constructions as I pits interested to altro.Qualsiasi excuse were good in order to go from the tata one in order to play some to the several one videogames of tempo(sirpent, megazone, and the not memory altri).Io I preferred in fact to play with the videogames and was cosi that after little my father give me to my first console o di questo paese.Successivamente si e' trasferito nell' appartamento di S.Anna sempre in provincia di lucca.Iniziai a frequentare l' asilo di via Matteotti ma si notava gia l' animo decadente del tenka che mentre gli altri giocavano con i pupazzetti o le costruzioni come io fossi interessato ad altro.Qualsiasi scusa era buona per andare dalla tata per giocare a i vari videogames del tempo(sirpent, megazone, e non ne ricordo altri).Io preferivo infatti giocare con i videogames e fu cosi che dopo poco il mio babbo mi regalo al mia prima consolle l' INTELEVISON mi pare che fosse nel 1980 or 81 and cosi then I passed also a slice of my time with quello.Tutto you continue in the normalita one first amichette silvia, daniela and linda memory and then I passed to the elementary school and to my second consul the VIDEOPAC G7000 that hard pear tree me a breath and after I was little put to contact, a Commodore Vic20.Nella was given me my first vero(pionieristico for those tempo)computer house of s.anna connected the first ties around the computer and attended gia a computer close shop that one in new way to the stellar madonnina of in pza the saint one francesco.Frequntai the 1. and the 2, class and then I changed house to them and I went to living to s.margherita where my father I buy the house in which alive anchor traumatizzato oggi.Rimasi to see the school of this country an old semifatiscente structure that me seemed could fall in verita then sure rooms was precluse for those motivo.All' 3, beginning of elementary passed to my first msx but my first love the vic20 continuous to calmly remain with me.Anche them step the cosi vicissitude of the new casa.Arrivai to the Medium school where I met the first series of strict preofessori in particular that one of mathematics a famous writer of books which with to its severita me formo.Ebbi a small inconveninte bocciai in but then the school step fastly and bene.Durante the medium school I bought also my first PC a M24 Olivetti on cpu that to the contrary of the first 8086 instead of having a f of 8 job to mhz mine m24 worked to the f of 10 mhz and with the enormous figure of 640 memory of k.Perfezionai my preparation to 8086 level hw and sw a lot that I made gia mine first interventi.Finita the medium school a po for determined problems to attend the professional advanced school "giorgi" of Lucca where you achieve the qualification of assembler and repairer radio tv.Fu in secondfa the class of this three years where I collaborated to the extension for the handicraft with the history of the communications radio where I made the demo on PC with rozzo ps1 and a qbasic in modalita practical Screen 1 in a series of windows 4 colors:).E subsequently the diploma.In these years I passed also from cpu286 to 386 and pentium.In these multiple years furuno my participations to the inside of the school are to level hardware that software enell' last year I attempted also in lessons on the use of the PC to my companions of classe(che then seen the sure attitude precluso of sure people for argomenti..fu a catastrofe).Dopo cio I began to try job........Ho had a po of experiences in the short term but after cio hour I seem to have found my equilibrium. Recently also I have increased my interests to the industrial electronics attending also a course of Programmatore of PLC and of manutentore hardware of Personal Computer.La my ambition would be that one to find job in this last field or in an attendance center and/or small repair elettrodomestici.Mi it would appeal to a lot also to put on attivita on behalf mine ' me gia was capitata the opportunita' but for reasons that truly I had little experience and perche too much young I have left to lose. Next concentrero my interests in the use and the exploration via VHF of the etere.Mi would appeal to to possess a Bmw 318 is of which I would want to be the propietario gia I have taken to contacts with who me would have to yield. They give approximately 6 years I take care myself also of political issues gia from the eta of 16 years I have begun to make militancy in a political party here in mine citta LUCCA and then two years ago I have begun concretely the political attivita one ending candidate in the lists for the common one and of Lucca and Capannori together to a friend of my father but with 2 it turns out to you po scadenti.Adesso a pear tree after statoo to be put in disparte in this partitucolo they are put to make militancy to me in one of the piu large you leave yourself and in year 2002 I have followed and participated to the electoral campaign of what then e' become the councilman n.1 for number of ballots to the inside of its partito.Dal month of iniziero tesseramento to make my militancy the inside of this party.



Here my psico-emotional description (hiland). I as sapete already all I call Daniel, alive a city close to the Sea, take care myself of various robe that not there am to list in order not tediarvi with my far-sighted speeches and prolissi oltremodo, I appeal to to travel, to read to me, to be in front of the computer (me enough also the single one shielded of the bios and us I could be of the hours seated ^__^), going in bici of night (even if now I do not have one bici), appeals to to me to turn in machine of night with the radio to ball, appeals to to drink coke to me he strains, he appeals to the mountain to me, he appeals to to construct models to me of airplane and of Japanese robots, to me he appeals to Japan and all the one which is within, appeals to to me to help the others finchè can, appeals to music to me, appeals to to me to play, it appeals to to mine hello red piaggio to me metalized (one of the little that giramo still for my city after the big wave of the scooter) it appeals to to me to watch cardboards and the strange films, appeal to to me to walk, very appeal to the water-melon, the cappelletti, the peak, ice cream, etc. to me, appeal to to me collezzione to me of cd and vinili, appeal to mine to me felicia(che would want to change to the piu soon), appeal to to me to sleep less possible, appeal to pogo and the violent dance to me, me piacciono you play violent, me piacciono the flowers, appeals to to make photo to me strange (even if of it I make little), it appeals to relatively strange people to me, appeals to to make stranezze to me, it appeals to to take a bath to me to the sea with the large waves, appeals to to me to take apart to mount PC, me piacciono many others robe that I do not have wants to list. It would appeal to also to make an other bag to me of things that I do not have wants to list, but it appeals to to me to be clear and coincided in order not to lose time too much.

- able the human mind e' to resolve the problem of the human mind

"... the person of succeeding always knows the difference between being if same and to be always the same one..."

The genius not alive, works

"the largeness of the man measure based on that it tries and to the insistence with which it remains to the search."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chi dovrebbe capirla 'sta cosa? Per sapere?

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voglio dì... gli italiani non capiscono una sega perchè hai scritto una cosa incapibile, gli inglesi perchè l'hai fatta infarcita di italiano e di cose senza senso... per chi cazzo l'hai fatta 'sta cosa??

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

E' evidente che il tutto e' stato tradotto da un fetentissimo programma di traduzione automatizzata,ed e' altresi' evidente che la persona che scrive non e' nemmeno consapevole dei limiti del suddetto programma e sbaglia a scrivere la terza persona singolare del verbo essere usando la convenzione da set caratteri ASCII " e' " e non la grafia unicode " è " che sarebbe stata interpretata correttamente dal programma con " is "

10:50 PM  

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